I recently came across the most wonderful brand of tights: Snag Tights!
(You may want to skip this bit if you just want to hear what I think of them!)
I’ve struggled with the sensory aspect of clothing for a long time. Growing up I avoided denim, wool, and fitted clothes in general. I didn’t wear jeans, and refused to wear tights, even in winter. I loathed going to dancing lessons because I found the leotards so uncomfortable. This had a real impact on my self esteem actually – I wanted to wear large oversized tops and very soft, baggy leggings, which caused a lot of arguing at home. My mum wanted me to dress like other tween girls, and didn’t like buying me the cotton boys’ t-shirts that I was desperate to own. We would constantly argue in shops; and I rarely won these battles. I ended up with a wardrobe full of clothes I was uncomfortable wearing. This led to more arguments because my mum would become angry at me for ‘wasting her money on clothes I wouldn’t wear’ – and then there was the emotional impact too. I felt so much shame for wearing what my family called ‘ragamuffin’, ‘odd’, and ‘embarrassing’ clothes. I would avoid going outside when I did occasionally dress in something I felt okay to wear. I wondered if people would ever want to be friends with someone as embarrassing and ugly as myself.
As I’ve got older, my reaction to different materials has changed, or perhaps lessened. I still find ‘dry’ fabrics that have been washed too many times very uncomfortable, and struggle with fitted clothing. I also still can’t cope with denim, or heavy fabrics, or scratchy wool. But I am able to wear soft tights, providing they aren’t too small a size.
So – tights have become somewhat of a ‘lifeline’ for me, as I can wear them with dresses, big jumpers, oversized tops, and feel comfortable-ish. I have been wearing M&S tights, which I have found to be the most soft. However, generally, the only ones that are truly, truly comfortable, are the 15 denier pairs. I find the thicker ones still quite uncomfortable, and only wear them during the colder months out of necessity. Fleece-lined Primark tights have also been an okay alternative, for really, really cold weather, but I wouldn’t describe myself as feeling ‘at ease’ in them.
This all seems very negative, but do not lose hope, because that brings me onto the first ‘recommended brand’ post I’ve written: Snag Tights!
My mum actually recommended I try Snag Tights after one of her work colleagues mentioned them as a brand for plus size women. It took me a while to work up the courage to make a purchase, because these tights aren’t cheap! Admittedly they’re not really what you’d call expensive, either, but they’re more than a pair of M&S tights, at 7.99, and I consider myself fairly frugal. Despite my ‘must-save-money’ mindset, I was fearing having to go back to being uncomfortable when the temperatures started dropping, and so I ‘gave in’ and bought three pairs.
And I can honestly say they are one of the best purchases I’ve made all year! Truly!
These tights are extremely soft. And they fit round your body without trapping it or making you feel claustrophobic. The waistband isn’t scratchy and doesn’t ‘cut in’. The actual feel of the material is smooth and comforting. AND, ON TOP OF ALL THAT – THEY REALLY DON’T SNAG. So even though you are paying a little more…these tights will last!
Another thing that makes Snag Tights great is that they’re not only available in an inclusive range of sizes, but are also sold in many different colours and patterns, which is great for quirky dressers and people who like bolder designs! I’m going to save up and then ‘splurge’ on a selection of pairs for Christmas!

If you can relate to sensory issues around clothing, or if you’re just looking for some super soft tights – get yourself some Snag Tights! I can’t recommend them highly enough. It is so hard to describe the impact actually feeling comfortable in the clothes you’re wearing has on mood, ability to concentrate, ability to relax…I don’t feel it’s an exaggeration to say discovering these tights has been kind-of-a-little life-changing!
Their website is HERE.
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