Projects and roles I’m currently involved in:

Representative of Young Members Assembly – from Summer 2023 – I am responsible for representing the opinions of members to Scope’s Trustees and Leaders. The Young Members Assembly gives advice to help shape the strategy and work of the charity.

Young Womens Trust – from April 2023 – I am a peer researcher with Young Womens Trust. In this role I am able to help lead and shape the research done by YWT to support young women and tackle sexism and misogyny, particularly in the context of creating an equal world of work.

Young Partner with Peer Power Youth – from Jan 2023 – I work across various projects, using my voice and expertise to support the group’s activities and to help make services better for children and young people.

Member of Article 39 and the subgroup Blooming Change – from Jan 2023 – I work with fellow members to campaign for better mental health rights for young people, driving political change and also spreading best practice through the coproduction and delivery of workshops. Was also part of their Blooming Change project, responding to the government’s proposed Mental Health Act changes in 2023.

SUCRG – from September 2022 – I am part of Think Ahead’s Service User and Carer Reference Group, where I am involved in helping shape the organisation’s work, using my knowledge and experience. Think Ahead are a charity focused on supporting people with mental health problems to flourish, through their graduate programme into social work.

Future Voices – from September 2022 – Youth Futures Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organisation set up to help tackle youth unemployment. They focus on improving the employment outcomes of young people who face disadvantage or discrimination when trying to get into work, and to tackle the root causes of why many young people end up unemployed. The Future Voices Group help to represent the foundation on various platforms and guide the foundation’s activities.

Mind – from Summer 2022- I am part of Mind’s Youth Network and am regularly involved in numerous opportunities to help shape Mind’s work, for example helping to design their website to improve accessibility, running interviews, and brainstorming ideas on how some of their services can better support young people.

Social Work Voices – from August 2022 – Social Work Voices is a group of individuals with lived experience and knowledge of Social Work and Social Care services. They help to guide the Social Work education at the University of Suffolk and Suffolk County Council. My work within the group includes helping in the creation, brainstorming, planning, delivery and evaluation of the activities that are carried out.

National Autistic Society Online Arts and Crafts Branch Volunteer – from August 2022 – I am one of three volunteers helping to run the National Autistic Society’s online arts and crafts group. The National Autistic Society’s online branches are social spaces for autistic people to meet and enjoy different activities in a safe and supportive environment.

REBLE – from Feburary 2021 – I co founded and am part of REBLE, which was originally a lived experience group formed under the research company Traverse. We now exist as a research collective and offer our insight into different marginalised groups to support reseach and share best practice through resource development, consultations, and delivering workshops and training. Find out about us at

Ambitious About Autism – from Feburary 2020 – at the beginning of lockdown I joined Ambitious About Autism’s Youth Council. This has involved representing autistic young people on a national level and ensuring the work of Ambitious About Autism achieves its goals and reflects the views and needs of autistic children and young people. My key aims as part of the council are to raise awareness of autism and, in particular, advocate for better support for people with autism and mental health issues. My work has included producing and co-delivering webinars, writing blogs, and campaigning with the organisation.