Stopping Compulsive Exercise – Things to Remember

As a follow up to my previous post on compulsive exercise – here are some things that have helped me when trying to stop!

Nothing has to be the same forever. If you love sport, and genuinely enjoy it, you CAN do it again. You can do it tomorrow, next week, or in the case of eating disorder recovery, when you are healthy. But right now – you need to not do it. 

Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing this? You have to live your life the way you want to NOW, not tomorrow. And you don’t have to live your life proving something, or doing something because you feel you have to. You are allowed to be happy now. Live your life being happy, and not feeling guilty for doing so. Feel guilty for doing things that aren’t making you happy, or proud.

If you really are in control of your life, you should be able to say no to your head. Prove to yourself you are in control of yourself. Prove to yourself you are stronger than thoughts. 

10000 steps (or whatever you’ve read) is NOT healthy. It’s also not possible for most people. If you’re a healthy weight, yes, keeping active is a good thing for health, but ‘keeping active’ is a lot less than 10000 steps, and walking at all may not fit in with your lifestyle.

Think of years ago, and be one with the world and your body. Years ago, people didn’t have step counters, and gyms, and people just exercised as part of their daily life (for the most part). And they were, overall, much healthier! I worry that we are a world obsessed with computing and data and controlling things, which in turn is causing numerous mental and physical health issues, and lack of control over our lives. As I described earlier, I also think there’s something really beautiful about listening to our bodies, respecting and caring for our bodies, and with listening to the world around us. Weather changes, season changes, weight goes up, weight can go down. Nothing in the world is permanent. Just try to let go a little, and connect with the world around you, and your body.

I am A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. I want the energy to throw at life, to pursue my passions. I want the time for my hobbies! I want to travel abroad and do fun things! If I truly am a force to be reckoned with…I can’t keep quietly following the rules in my head.

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