Christmas & the Unexpected

I’ve definitely written about this before, but Christmas can be a really stressful time! I do love Christmas, genuinely, but it also involves lots of unknowns…so this is just a quick post of some of the things at Christmas that can make me stressed. Do you relate to any of these?

  • Weather and the cold – this time of year mean shorter days, colder weather, rain, maybe snow or ice….this can make anyon feel lower, but can also make it hard to plan days, make travel difficult, can affect what you can wear, and disrupt things like your sleep routine
  • Present giving – worrying about what people will think about presents and getting the right thing can be really stressful and anxiety provoking, and knowing how to act in those situations can also make you really nervous
  • Present recieving – similarly, it can feel really nervewracking and like a spotlight is on you when you open a present from someone. I find it so hard to know how to respond and even when I feel really grateful, it can be so confusing to know how to show it. I find myself overthinking a lot!
  • Christmas day – Christmas day can often be very busy, involve lots of people, and have a complicated schedule, which can cause a lot of anxiety and panic
  • Different activities – over the festive period there’s lots going on – Christmas lights, going Christmas shopping, maybe ice skating, and over events. You can feel really pressured to join in with all of these, and they all present unique challenges
  • Things being closed – there’s lots of bank holidays over Christmas, and some places also close early during the winter, which can affect your plans and routine
  • Parties and gatherings – expectations for socialising can be very different over Christmas, as lots of people like to get together, both with friends, family, and extended family.
  • Smells, tastes, lights, and other sensory issues – lots of what make Christmas ‘fun’ can be overwhelming! Different and often very strong tasting food, smells, and very bright lights and decorations

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